CatholicCare is committed to supporting couples on their natural fertility journey. Observing and understanding the natural signs of fertility allows couples to work in harmony with their combined fertility to achieve their fertility goals. Our Natural Fertility Services program provides valuable and low-cost education and support in the Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning, as well as the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) for nursing mothers. Working alongside a Natural Family Planning clinician will enable couples to feel supported and guided at this stage of their reproductive life.
Please visit the FAQ section at the bottom of this page to discover some common topics.
Experienced Natural Family Planning Clinicians work with you to achieve your fertility goals. Whether you are planning a pregnancy, or wishing to avoid a pregnancy, our ACNFP Accredited Clinicians will work with you by providing drug and device free options for managing fertility. Clinics take place face to face at Cabramatta West, Lewisham, Fairfield and the City, or via Zoom.
Family Life Educators provide community information sessions for people of all ages at churches, schools, colleges or community groups. These experienced educators are passionate about spreading the message of Natural Fertility throughout the community. Each talk is targeted to your particular group and their desired learning outcomes.
Family Life Educators provide information and consultation to pre-marriage couples in group and individual sessions. Educators facilitate fertility awareness as part of the couple’s journey towards marriage and family life. Couples participate in fertility awareness during CatholicCare’s Becoming One Marriage and Relationship Education course.
"I have never thought about family planning, so the topic triggered me to think about it for the first time. The presenter had great energy, was knowledgeable and had good examples that I could relate to.” – Pre-Marriage Participant
"The CatholicCare clinician was gentle, informative and helpful. In my third month of charting, we conceived naturally. We are now expecting our first baby in early 2024. We will be forever grateful to CatholicCare.” – Anna, NFS client
Thank you for contacting our Natural Fertility Services FIRSTNAME.
We will respond as soon as possible regarding your enquiry. If you need support in the meantime, please contact our Client Care Team (Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm) on 13 18 19 and quote your ticket number: TICKET
Do you need to be Catholic to receive these services?
No. We support any woman or couple wishing to manage their fertility naturally, whether that be for religious or health reasons, or any other reason they may have.
How much do the consultations cost?
There is a cost of $300.00 which includes up to 4 consultations with an NFP Clinician over a 6 month timeframe.
Are there side effects to NFS?
There are no side effects as there are no drugs, devices or surgical procedures used. The Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning teaches fertility management to couples through their charting of changes in cervical mucus and basal body temperature.
What is the success rate when using the Natural Fertility Service?
For avoiding clients, success depends on the commitment level of the individual using the method, however studies have shown 99.7% success rate for those following the rules. We cannot make any guarantees of pregnancy for those with unexplained infertility, however we do provide you with powerful infomration that can increase chances of falling pregnant naturally. We have supported couples to achieve naturally after years of IVF treatment.
Is this a trusted alternative to IVF?
Natural Family Planning is an extremely effective method that is a healthy and complication free, cost-effective and scientifically based method of avoiding or achieving pregnancy.
What are the signs of ovulation?
Every woman has unique signs of fertility, however commonly they will experience changes in cervical mucus and sustained rise in basal body temperature. These observational changes require the expertise of trained and professional clinicians to interpret.
Can't I just use an App?
Many apps are not based on evidential science, and many cannot accurately pinpoint ovulation. Only individualised observations interpreted by a trained and experienced clinician can accurately inform you of your own unique fertility window.
Are you based in Sydney?
Yes, and we also offer Online consultations if required.
Is there a waiting list?
Do we both have to attend the sessions?
It is preferable that both partners attend the consultations with a NFP clinician.