Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Employment Skills and Training (SLES, FAKJ)

School Leaver Employment Supports

CatholicCare helps young people develop vocational skills to secure and retain employment. Our School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) Program provides a critical bridge from leaving school to work life for school leavers and young adults.

The program will assist you to identify a vocational goal, and then work on developing the skills you’ll need to get the job, and keep it!

We specialise in hands-on training and work experience opportunities, including the following in-house programs; BariStars Cafe, Warehouse, Retail, Cleaning and Gardening.

If you’re a school leaver, our SLES service can support you to gain the skills, knowledge and work experience that you’ll need to succeed at work.

Register Your Interest Today

Individual and tailored supports include:

Who should register?

Call 13 18 19

Useful information

To find out more or to book a tour of our welcoming hub, call us on13 18 19 orcontact us online.



Ready-Set-Go prepares participants for life in the workforce and provides practical assistance to help them apply for, and secure, employment.

Participants will learn about:


Warehouse Program

Participants learn skills in a warehouse environment, designed to carry out specific work-related tasks; safely, methodically and to the standards required in a commercial warehouse including:

  • introduction to a typical warehouse environment
  • Work Health and Safety (WHS)
  • risk and reporting
  • correct manual handling techniques
  • operating machinery safely
  • sorting and packing to industry standards
  • social distancing in the workplace
  • hygiene and cleaning practices
  • using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) effectively

This program is made possible by our generous partners.


Supported Employment Trainee program

Receive training and first hand experience within our Supported Employment Business Services. CatholicCare’s Supported Employment program currently employs more than 40 people across café, gardening, and cleaning services and this number is growing everyday.

BariStars Café Program 

Managing or working in a café can open doors you may never have expected. Our educators work with program participants to build their skills and gain the experience required to successfully manage a café.

Learning skills include:

  • café setting theory
  • understanding equipment
  • Barista training
  • handling money
  • customer service
  • communication and presentation
  • Work Health and Safety (WHS)

Find out more about BariStars or book our mobile cafe for your next event.

Gardening and Cleaning Program

You can join our gardening and cleaning crews for real on-the-job training and experience, where you’ll develop the skills and confidence to deliver a first-rate job.

Once fully trained and qualified, you’ll be supported in your journey to become a part of our experienced cleaning or gardening team. You’ll also receive training to:

  • identify the correct products and tools to deliver a quality service
  • use equipment safely and effectively
  • understand performance expectations
  • provide excellent customer care and receive feedback
  • build great time management skills
  • expertly manage relationships
  • present yourself professionally.


Are you interested in learning the Employment Skills?

We can help you to prepare for the workforce by accessing the supports and gaining the skills you need.

If you are between 15 and 65 years of age and have an NDIS plan with employment goals, we can help you on the road to employment. The focus is on preparation and ensuring you have the skills and supports to land the right job that’s a good fit for you.

If you are enquiring about jobs / employment opportunities with CatholicCare Sydney, please visit our careers website by clicking here.

Please fill in the below contact form or call our team on13 18 19 for more information on Employment Skills and Training program: