Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Latest News

We are committed to our vision - a society in which we all are supported and valued. Read on to see our latest news and updates from across CatholicCare Sydney.

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D'Leanne Lewis, Ambassador of HOPE

D'Leanne Lewis, Ambassador of HOPE

3 Aug 2021

From humble beginnings, D'Leanne Lewis has worked hard to achieve success and is paying it forward by supporting our HOPE program.

80 Years of Caring at CatholicCare Sydney

Celebrating 80 years of caring

1 Jul 2021

This year CatholicCare Sydney proudly celebrates its 80th anniversary of caring for all those in need in our community.

Mother and boy happy CatholicCare

Edwin and Nils' story: why we support refugees

21 Jun 2021

CatholicCare supporters, Edwin and Nil, share why they give to support those who are vulnerable and in need in our community.

Centacare Staff with Matt Cooper

Open Day, a joyful experience at Centacare Industries

16 Jun 2021

It was an open day that did not disappoint. Management was on hand to answer questions and smiles were seen throughout.

Melanie Gibbons MP tours HOPE Mascot

Parliamentary Secretary visits HOPE Mascot

3 Jun 2021

Ms Melanie Gibbons MP toured the building which is to be developed into transitional housing for young mums at risk of homelessness. 


Dave dives into caring, heart first

18 May 2021

If you’ve ever thought about becoming a foster carer, even on a short-term or part-time basis, this story about Dave and Nathan may inspire you.

Companions Matter stock

Connecting with those most vulnerable in our community

18 May 2021

CatholicCare’s Companions Matter program provides a wide range of support for some of those most vulnerable in our community.

Centacare Cleaning Crew

CatholicCare takes the chore out of cleaning

18 May 2021

Dynamic and friendly, today, our “Cleaning Crew” are a tight-knit team, delivering consistent and dependable services for their clients.

Teresa Taouk

CatholicCare Staff Spotlight - Teresa Taouk

18 May 2021

Teresa Taouk, Home Care Specialist, talks about her work and her passion to care for seniors in our community.