Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Growing Towards Wholeness

Growing Towards Wholeness is a values-based personal development program, about the physical and emotional changes of puberty, suitable for students in Years 4 to 6. 

Students have the opportunity not only to learn, but to join in open dialogue with their peers and parents/guardians- building connection and communication at the family level. We also aim to support staff and schools in the implementation of the PDHPE Syllabus for Stage 3 - Growing Towards Wholeness and the PDHPE Syllabus

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Program Delivery and Resources

Delivered by professional, trained and experienced facilitators in the classroom setting. Students are provided with workbooks to support the program and support post-session classroom activities.

information sessions take place prior to the student sessions in order to prepare parents/guardians for the inevitable questions and discussions that follow. These sessions can be conducted with students or without students, depending on the school's needs.

What do Teachers say about Growing Towards Wholeness?

“Thank you again!. An expertly delivered presentation. All the students are able to access the information free of anxiety and worry thanks to how you approach the students and the content. Awesome!”

Growing Towards Wholeness CatholicCare Sydney

What do students learn about in Growing Towards Wholeness?

I learned...

What do parents/guardians say about Growing Towards Wholeness?

“It was helpful to know what material will be discussed with the students tomorrow and to prepare for questions at home afterward. I appreciated the advice to respond to their important questions when they ask and not let the opportunity to talk to them pass because we are too busy.” Parent of participant

Program costs

Find out more and register

For further information, call on 13 18 19 or submit an express of interest today