Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Relationship Refresh

Does your relationship need a refresh? 

Join us for our five-week online course! 

Whether you’ve been married or in a committed relationship for a short time or a long time, one year or 60 years, a happy and harmonious life together requires both partners/spouses to nurture the relationship.

Our Relationship Refresh series will provide you with some time to reflect on areas in your relationship that might need some extra attention and improvement.

The five-part course will cover:

The course content is based on the research of John Gottman, spanning four decades.  More than simply observing what worked in his own relationship, he studied, interviewed, and observed thousands of couples. His research focused on what works in relationships, rather than simply trying to understand why relationships fail. From everyday communication and relationship foundations, to managing conflict and planning for the future, Gottman’s research is relatable and his findings achievable for all couples.

Relationship Refresh Series

When: Next group begins on 7 March 2023.
Future groups will be confirmed upon registration of interest
Online via Zoom
$200 per couple

To express your interest, call 13 18 19 or complete the form below and give your relationship the refresh it’s been longing for!
