Through our Tree of Hope program, we offer spiritual, practical and emotional support to people living with HIV.The Tree of Hope program is built on the foundations of inclusiveness, trust and respect. A welcoming space for people of all beliefs, Tree of Hope hosts our monthly luncheon on the first Wednesday of each month at a private venue in Waterloo.Tree of Hope is available to anyone living with HIV, their family members, support network or friends. To access the program or to find out more call our Client Care Team on 13 18 19 or contact us online.
To access Tree of Hope or to find out more call our Client Care Team on 13 18 19 or contact us online.
For more information on our monthly lunches, contact Vicky Pranoto on 02 9509 1280 or
Many years ago I was fortunate enough to spot a small notice in our local Northern beaches Parish bulletin that mentioned a Support Group for family members or others who found themselves close to a loved one with HIV.
My beloved son was in that situation and as I knew no other parents with an adult child in a similar position I summoned the courage to attend a small gathering with the Tree of Hope program.
How blessed was I to gradually get to know and love many folk of all ages and life situations associated with this group. Since then, through regular social reflective and spiritual get togethers, we have become strong and caring for each other.
We have open arms and warm hearts, if you find yourself in this situation, why don't you come and join us?
Mother of someone living with HIV
Source: Health Equity Matters
To access Tree of Hope or to find out more call our Client Care Team on 13 18 19 or contact us online.