CatholicCare Companions accompany people as they navigate some of life’s big transitions and challenges. Our trained volunteer companions are supported to walk alongside people who have been in prison, are terminally ill or have been in a hospital or care unit, acknowledging that these are times when the presence of another person who cares and truly listens is vitally important.
Connect with someone you can trust and who will listen to you.
Be with someone who will walk a new path with you.
Belong to a nurturing community that will help to make growth and change possible.
Feeling that you are not alone at these times can make a big difference to your health and wellbeing, and can assist you to make positive life choices. CatholicCare Companions connects you to a community of people who care; a place where growth and change are made possible.
Connections made through CatholicCare Companions are supported by our range of structured and supervised programs. In addition, we are sponsors for the Work and Development Order, of which our programs are acknowledged.
This program supports you in navigating change, loss, grief and bereavement.
Being with others in a safe, small group, can help you to feel less alone in your experience.
These gatherings can help you form connections with others who care about your whole wellbeing by focusing on selfcare, job seeking skills, meditation, relaxation and more.
If you have a NSW State debt and are finding it tough to clear, Companions Matter can help. Attending specific programs can help you to pay off your fines and make a fresh start.
This program is designed to assist you in responding positively to life’s many challenges. It may also help you understand yourself better and to set potentially life changing goals.