Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Our commitment to safeguarding children and young people

We acknowledge everyone who suffered abuse or neglect as children and young people and acknowledge the hurt and pain this has caused and continues to cause for you and your loved ones.

CatholicCare Sydney is committed to safeguarding children and young people and we have zero tolerance for child abuse. We actively work to promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people so they can reach their full potential.

We respect all children and young people – we listen to them, we proactively seek to understand their perspectives and include them in the work we do.

We have a duty to children and young people to ensure the staff who work with them are safe and skilled. In accordance with legislation, our staff are screened and checked for their suitability before employment. Our Code of Conduct sets clear day-to-day expectations for our staff, and we provide ongoing training to equip them with the most current knowledge and skills to work with children and young people, and to uphold Child Safe Standards.

We have detailed policies and procedures to guide how we listen, take seriously and respond to complaints and allegations of abuse.

We have regular checks to ensure that we comply with the Child Safe Standards, and we hold each other accountable and continue to look for ways we can improve.

All of us at CatholicCare - our Board, Executive Leadership Team, staff, and volunteers - share this commitment. Our commitment is underscored by our core Catholic values and our Guiding Principles.

If you need immediate support, 24-hour telephone assistance is available through:

Child Safe Standards CatholicCare Sydney