Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Navigating the Aged Care Reforms: What You Need to Know

On September 12 2024, the Australian Government announced a major investment of $5.6 billion to transform the aged care system. Given Australia's growing aging population, this investment will adequately support and accommodate people within the aged care system. 

CatholicCare Sydney is dedicated to ensuring clients, families, and carers are constantly informed on these reforms, as the Government releases more details, and how we will implement them. 

Overview of the Aged Care Bill 2024

The new Aged Care Bill 2024 is a response to recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Based on this, the central idea was developing a new rights-based Aged Care Act. This new Bill will replace the current aged care laws, including the Aged Care Act 1997, and will begin on 1 July 2025. 

What Does This Mean for Your Services?

Support at Home 

The new Support at Home program will replace Home Care Packages. This is to increase the flexibility available to older Australians regarding the care they receive. It also means better funding, access to more technology for day-to-day living assistance, and expanding available services to keep Australians independent for as long as possible. 

If you or your loved ones are currently on a Home Care Package, don’t worry. You won't have to do anything and will automatically be transitioned into the new system once it commences next year. The Government has stated that those with existing Home Care Packages will have their package funding preserved. 

Residential Aged Care

Things will move a little differently for people planning to move into residential aged care after July 2025. If you're able to contribute more to your aged care, you might be asked to. This has been introduced to ensure that the quality of care is improving at a rate that can meet future demands. This also puts stricter rules in place to ensure providers are held accountable for the quality of care they are expected to provide you or your loved ones. 

Your Rights

The biggest change we’re seeing in the new Aged Care Act is the introduction of the Statement of Rights for older people. The Statement of Principles will also be introduced to guide your aged care workers and providers on how to better make decisions that protect and respect the rights of older people.  

Will this impact your current services?

These reforms are still making their way through Parliament, intending to have everything set up by July 2025. If you’re receiving care or will begin receiving care before this date, the introduced ‘no worse off’ principle will ensure that you will not face higher costs following these reforms.  

These reforms strongly focus on Clinical Services, including Allied Health, Therapeutic Services, and services supporting independence (assistance with personal care, social support engagement, respite, etc.). There will be a reduced focus on Domestic Assistance and Home Maintenance. 

At CatholicCare Sydney, we are here to help you navigate these new changes. Whether you’re a current client or are interested in exploring aged care options for yourself or a loved one, our team is here to support you at every step. 

From our Home Care Interim General Manager:

“Our goal remains to deliver the highest quality care services to our clients, to preserve their dignity and independence, and optimise the use of each client's package to meet their evolving care needs as they age in the comfort of their own home. Our commitment to providing high-quality care is pleasingly reflected in the results of our recent Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission compliance audit. We look forward to keeping our clients and prospective clients informed about changes that impact the future Support at Home model of care.”  

If you would like more information about the options available to you or would like to enquire on behalf of a friend or family member, help is only a phone call away (13 18 19). CatholicCare Sydney will take the time to understand your situation and explain your options.

For more details on these reforms, visit the Department of Health and Aged Care.
